sugar bad for teeth

Is sugar rotting
my teeth?

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is a concern for many Australians and sugar can be a major contributor.

Regularly eating sugary or starchy foods and drinks creates the right conditions for tooth decay.

Bacteria in the mouth uses sugars from sugary, sticky or starchy foods and drinks to produce acids that damage teeth and erode enamel. Part of the problem is how long the food or drink stays in you mouth. For example, lollipops and toffees linger in the mouth and on the teeth longer than many other treats.

As sugar producers, we are concerned that many Australians are unaware of the long-term risks of neglecting their teeth. Tooth decay can lead to serious health problems and it can knock your confidence if you have gaps in your smile.

To reduce the risk it is well worth keeping up the habit of looking after your teeth.

Looking after your teeth

Dentists recommend drinking or rinsing your mouth with water after a meal. They also stress the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and flossing.

Sadly, many Australians have rotten teeth, painful toothache and need costly dental treatment. For some, it is because they have fallen out of the daily habit of cleaning their teeth for just two minutes every morning and night.

Find out more

We support programs and initiatives that encourage children and adults to look after their teeth